Best Notion Accounting Template for 2021

If you’re looking to keep a tab on your finances – be it for business or pleasure, or both – then the Notion accounting template is the best choice for you. While not created to replace QuickBooks, Notion does a great job of providing a great financial tool. This is a sample taken from our collection of Notion templates.

Templates that let you update your earnings, results, and track your balance in one central place, with options to bulk trade by category and upload references and recipes . This is a template created by Zoe Chew and first released via This template is pretty secure, you won’t have a single download involved. When you manipulate, you’re just duplicating something we’ve created in your own Workspace – a feature provided by Notion itself. No data transfer relationship is formed. So creators can’t see what you’re using it for, nor can they know what they’re using it for.

Plus, because Notion syncs across devices, you can view, add, and edit transactions on your smartphone on the go, then organize them when you get home on your computer. mine. You can also export the entire database as a CSV file, which can be uploaded to a tool like QuickBooks for tax purposes.

This accounting form is available for purchase through Gumroad, at a cost of $15 – this is a fee set by Chew. Currently, there are many free resources online, some of which can be an alternative to this template such as the Finance & Budgeting template.

But the Notion accounting template is the best we’ve seen. It’s easily worth your hard earned money.

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