Since being a member of the Blanc Media team last year, I have consistently gained knowledge regarding the influential nature of habits. In addition to the evident reality that habits contribute to achieving one’s goals, they also serve as a source of motivation for me to make other decisions or implement beneficial changes in my life. Observing the behaviors that I have constantly upheld provides me with the additional impetus and drive necessary to integrate new habits, as I am already aware of my capability to do so. (Shawn Blanc frequently discusses this topic in the Focus Course Academy.)
There are numerous methods available to monitor habits. Journaling systems that utilize bullet points. Applications for monitoring and tracing. Writing utensil and sheet of paper. The application for taking notes on your iPhone. However, I have seen that when the behavior I desire to maintain consistently is directly inside my line of sight, I am more inclined to accomplish it.
I have began monitoring my habits using Notion.
I utilize Notion on a daily basis in several capacities. It is the primary project management software utilized at Blanc Media, and I also employ it for all my additional entrepreneurial endeavors. I utilize it as my primary task list manager, and given its frequent usage, it seemed logical to commence monitoring my habits within my personalized dashboard.
Notion Dashboard
One aspect of Notion that I particularly appreciate is its high level of customizability. However, this can also be rather intimidating simultaneously. After investing a considerable amount of time and effort in analyzing and adjusting various elements, I have successfully developed a personalized dashboard and system that suits my needs.

I appreciate the visual aspect of it and how it allows me to quickly observe some of my most significant habits. Increased visibility significantly enhances the probability of my engagement. It is evident that I have a preference for the color pink and aesthetically pleasing images.
How I track my habits in my dashboard
I generated “cards” for each day of the week utilizing templates that I designed in my Notion dashboard. I have implemented a filter that exclusively displays cards from the present week. I derived numerous concepts and setup techniques from Marie Poulin and her course, Notion Mastery.
I selectively curated the properties to be displayed on each card on my dashboard. I have selectively displayed the most crucial behaviors and facts, such as whether I have accomplished my daily planning, consumed my vitamins, and engaged in my daily Bible reading.
Upon opening each card, you will see that I possess numerous additional attributes that can be filled in as well. I am now experimenting with several features and determining which ones are most beneficial for my needs.

Presently, the properties and habits that I am most interested in monitoring are:
If I have successfully executed my daily planning, which is one of the most groundbreaking behaviors I have integrated into my weekly schedule. I initially acquired knowledge about it through the All The Things course, and subsequently, it was further reinforced by Marie Poulin and a book titled Everything in its Place authored by Dan Charnas.
- I took my vitamins.
- What I am grateful for.
- What chapters I read that day in my Bible reading routine.
- I made my Notion dashboard easy to access.
One of the factors that influenced my decision to monitor my activities using Notion is its high level of accessibility. I have developed a widget on my iPhone Home Screen that provides easy access to my dashboard, allowing me to promptly mark completed habits or remind myself of pending tasks.

This is the method I used to incorporate my Notion widget onto my Home Screen.
Ensure that you have established a dashboard in Notion (or any other page or database) to which you intend to connect your widget.
Obtain the Widgetsmith application. This application greatly simplifies the process of creating various types of widgets for your iPhone Home Screen.
Subsequently, navigate to your Home Screen and apply sustained pressure on an application to display the contextual menu. Then, select the option labeled “Edit Home Screen”. To enter jiggle mode, simply perform a long-press anywhere on the Home Screen.
Tap the + button in the top left corner, and search for Notion.
Choose the first widget called Page (you can also swipe and see all the different kinds of Notion widgets you can add).
Tap + Add Widget.
Adjust the position of the Widget until you locate the optimal location for it on your Home Screen (I personally placed mine prominently on the first page, making it easily accessible and serving as a frequent reminder to monitor my habits).
The widget will vocalize. Press and maintain pressure to configure. To access the contextual menu, simply tap and hold on the widget. From there, select “Edit Widget”.
Select the appropriate Notion Workspace and Page that you wish to establish a relationship with (in this instance, the page is named “Chloe’s Home”). Afterwards, return to the Home Screen and you will now have convenient access to your dashboard for monitoring your daily activities.
Notion has evolved into more than a mere habit tracker for me.
My utilization of my personal Notion dashboard extends beyond mere habit tracking. I have developed a connected database for my task list, which automatically imports all the necessary tasks and applies a filter to display only the tasks that are due on the current day. I am able to promptly consult my editorial calendar, as well as my reading list (which happens to be one of my preferred resources).
Notion has facilitated the organization of my life in a very configurable, aesthetically pleasing, and effortlessly manageable manner (after initial setup). I am increasingly recognizing the efficacy of monitoring my habits. It aids in my adherence to a set path and provides the impetus necessary for the integration and sustained upkeep of novel practices.